Driven to Kill Movie Review

A Steven Seagal movie from 2009, Driven to Kill is the story of a man who is forced to seek revenge for violence against his lover, and their daughter. Fortunately, this man happens to be an ex-russian mobster and Steven Seagal. This may sound like a generic action movie plot, but that's simply because that's exactly what it is. However... what q

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Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie Movie Review

Why am I doing this? Everyone already knows I'm not a huge Power Rangers fan, I don't really get something out of hating the (blog post) Power Rangers, so why, (blog post) Creepy? Why do you torment me with these crossovers? ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED?! Because I certainly (blog post) wasn't.Source: Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie Movie Review - Decker

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